Friday, 24 August 2012

Thing 14: Zotero / Mendeley / CiteULike

I’ve been putting off writing this thing because I didn’t know how to relate it to my work. It has been ten years since I had to write my dissertation. Although at work we have a number of students using us, they have never asked (me) for any more information on the topic than confirming they had their citation in the correct order. However, I really liked how The Wandering Librarian was able to reference his library tour around London here . It’s an imaginative way of looking at this Thing while also making me not feel quite as geeky for all my sad librarian photos!

Suitably inspired, here goes......

14a) Zotero. An application that needs to be downloaded and only works with Firefox, Chrome and Safari. Therefore can’t be used at work.

14b) Mendeley. Would also need to be downloaded and so can’t be used on staff PCs here- although at least it would work with our Internet Explorer.

14c) CiteULike. Yay! Something I don’t have to download and so can write about! However, after signing up to the website I was thoroughly confused. I looked at different areas but couldn’t see any instructions for what I was supposed to do. I then tried to import a journal article about Mary Seacole but it just came up as loads of gibberish (ok, computer language- see just part of it below) and crashed. Oh dear. Librarian fail.

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The photo for today was taken outside a library that could easily be misunderstood. Here I am outside the Hemeroteca Library in Lisbon.

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